IPM Market Intelligence provides statistic data of 2019 regarding media activities of business market players.
This time we offer significant aspects of pharmaceutical chains and their media activities. In 2019 PSP was the most active pharmacy in media. It occupied 46% of the whole pharmacy sector coverage.

In terms of sentiments all 5 companies have positive coverage. In this regard People’s Pharmacy occupies the first position. 39% of its full coverage has positive evaluation. Company Aversi has 37% positive coverage. Negative evaluation is identified with 4 companies, but this negatve attitude is slight. In this case People’s Pharmacy is an exception as it has no negative assessment at all.

Positive profile of People’s Pharmacy is connected with diverse activities conducted in 2019. At the same time the strategy of the company to open branches in remote places and near occupation line is also very important. Only this very chain pharmacy serves for people there. The caring image of the chain is identified in other campaigns as well. It provides special care for pensioners and children. People’s Pharmacy offered pleasant novelty to customers in early 2019. Products of a popular German brand - Happy Company are sold in this chain. The major principle of the company is “safe toys for children”.

People’s Pharmacy announced a contest for pensioners “astonishing story of my life.” According to the contest terms consumers of the chain could write an interesting episode of their lives and bring it to any branches. “Khandzteli Fund” and People’s Pharmacy founded NGO-Union of Georgian Pensioners. People’s Pharmacy launched a joint project wth Chikori and Manna aiming at popularization of healthy life style.


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